When I first put it on he was more interested in his parents huge tv. |
This morning I went to spend a little time with Drex and Evette AKA Nana before work. I onlyhad an hour but I've learned to make the most of it. I finished Drex's square top hat with the 2 pompoms and we had a little photo shoot.....a poor photo shoot, it was cloudy and icky out and I only had my phone camera...
piknik.com helped a little though.The hat is dark blue and black stripes....looks black only in these pics. The good thing is I have 2 orders for this type!
Looks like he's fussing but he was just talking. He really gets into his conversations. |
Actually he wears us out....we just let him sleep. |
I love the hat and he's so cute!!
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